Tuesday, December 14

Gifts in a Jar

Where I live, Gifts in a Jar are very popular. The gift-giver will layer the dry ingredients for a recipe in a wide-mouth mason jar, tie a festive ribbon around the lid, and present the gift with the preparation instructions printed on a tag.

Typically, these are high-sugar, high-calorie treats. That's all well and good around the holidays, as most people tend to indulge in sugary snacks around Christmas. But what if you could give a gift that is just a little bit healthier? Wouldn't that let your recipient know how you really feel about them?

Here are some suggestions.

Spiced Oatmeal
Fill a mason jar almost to the top with rolled oats
Dump oats into a large (dry) mixing bowl
Add 1 t. cinnamon and 1/2 t. allspice
Add 1/4 c. raisins or dried cranberries
Toss with a spoon
Return to jar
Adorn with ribbon and tag
(Directions: For each serving, bring 1 cup water to a rolling boil. Add 1/2 c. Spiced Oatmeal. Cook 3 to 5 minutes or until oats are tender.)

Homemade Granola
Here, I recommend using a smaller mason jar, as one recipe for homemade granola will pretty much fill up a large jar. No directions needed. Decorate with ribbon.

Muffins in a Jar
Layer all dry ingredients, including flax seed, from Low Fat Vegan Muffins in a large mason jar. Provide a tag instructing the recipient to add 3/4 c. almond milk, 1/4 c. apple sauce, and 1/4 c. water. Include in the instructions to let the mixture stand for at least 5 minutes before spooning into muffin tins (to let the flax seed goo-ify). Or, in the alternative, provide instructions for a "flax egg" and keep the flax seed in a separate small baggie either tied to the jar or sitting on top of the dry ingredients inside the jar.

Cookies in a Jar
Like the Muffins in a Jar, layer all dry ingredients in a jar. Include a tag instructing the recipient to add wet ingredients, mix and bake.

Split Pea Soup in a Jar
This one is pretty simple - put split peas in a jar with a tag instructing the recipient to add the remaining ingredients. If you want to get super fancy, you can purchase freeze-dried carrots and onion flakes to include in the jar.

These are just a few options. There are tons and tons and tons of things you can do for Gifts in a Jar.

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